How to Choose the Right Location for Your Split-System Outdoor Unit

If you've decided to go with split-system air conditioning, then you need to choose the right location for your outdoor unit. While the location of your indoor unit plays some part here, you also have to factor in external conditions and how they might affect your system and how smoothly it works.

What should you look for?

A Ventilated Space

Your outdoor unit should ideally sit in an area with good ventilation around it. You need to allow some air flow around key parts of the unit to ensure that they work correctly and won't overheat. For example, the unit needs space around its air inlets and outlets. There shouldn't be anything around the unit that blocks air from circulating around these vital areas.

A Cool Space

In an ideal world, you'll find somewhere cool and shady for your outdoor unit. It's not a good idea to house these units somewhere where they'll sit in intense sunlight all the time. Exposure to too much sunlight won't do the unit any good in the long term. Its housing may get damaged over time. Plus, if the unit gets too hot, it will have to work harder to control its own temperature as it creates cooled air. This makes the system work less efficiently and could increase your energy costs.

A Clear Space

If your outdoor unit is exposed to a lot of dust or even general garden debris, then its filters may get dirty and blocked more often than they should. If your filters don't stay clean, they won't work as well as they should; you may need to do a lot more maintenance work on them.

So, try to keep your unit away from dusty areas, trees and large bushes if you can. This reduces the chances of dust, leaves or foliage getting into your system.

A Quiet Space

Even if you choose a quiet split-system outdoor unit, it will make some noise. If the unit sits too close to bedroom windows or to a neighbouring home, then it may be too loud for comfort.

Excess noise can affect you and your close neighbours. If you can't find an ideal spot where any noise the unit makes won't be an issue, then you may need to mitigate the problem. For example, you can make sure that the unit has a solid base if it is installed on the ground. Or you can install a special noise-dampening enclosure around it.

For more advice on finding the perfect spot for your outdoor unit, ask your split-system installation company for advice.
