How to Get the Most Out of Your Variable-Speed Air Conditioning System

Variable-speed air conditioners have a compressor that runs at virtually any speed. This compressor is an upgrade of the conventional two-speed compressor that operates at only two speeds. Variable-speed compressors adjust the airflow to meet the dynamic cooling needs of the home. They provide even temperatures and lower humidity to improve indoor comfort. However, the efficiency of a variable-speed air conditioner depends on various issues. Therefore, read on to find out how to get the most out of a variable-speed AC. 

Zone your indoor spaces correctly

A variable-speed compressor can significantly lower your cooling costs by adjusting the airflow to meet the cooling load. The best way to realise maximum energy savings is by zoning the indoor spaces correctly. Group your rooms into zones based on the following factors: 

  • Floor layout
  • Number of windows in each room
  • Solar orientation
  • Insulation and window glazing 

Rooms facing the sun require more cooling; thus, they shouldn't be grouped together with spaces oriented away from the sun. Similarly, rooms such as kitchens and bathrooms tend to be warmer; therefore, they should be zoned separately. Zoning your home correctly allows your AC to regulate airflow efficiently, which improves indoor comfort. 

Choose a suitable location for the outdoor unit

The compressor is responsible for adjusting the airflow in your variable-speed AC. It is a part of the outdoor unit, and its performance can be affected by environmental factors. For example, if the outdoor unit is exposed to severe solar heat, the compressor may overheat. Similarly, debris around the unit can block airflow to the compressor and lower its performance. 

If the compressor isn't running optimally, the AC will work harder to cool the home. This will diminish the benefits of variable-speed cooling technology. Therefore, install your outdoor unit in a shaded area away from direct sunlight. Place the unit away from debris and vegetation to ensure proper airflow to the compressor. 

Insulate your ductwork

Variable-speed air conditioners have fewer on/off cycles because they can lower the output when there is a low demand for conditioned air. Therefore, the air inside the ducts remains cold for long periods. If your ducts are uninsulated, condensation can form around them due to heat exchange between the cool air in the ducts and the warm surrounding air. Condensation can attract mould and cause moisture damage to your walls and ceiling. 

You can counter this problem by insulating your ductwork. Insulation prevents heat exchange between the air inside the ducts and the surrounding air. This prevents condensation from forming around the ductwork and protects your home from moisture damage and mould growth. Insulation also prevents heat loss through the ducts and increases the efficiency of your variable-speed unit.

Observe the above tips to ensure your variable-speed unit operates efficiently and consumes less energy during cooling. For air conditioning installation services, contact an HVAC contractor.
