Summer Ducted Air Conditioning Tips

Summer is a season when you don't want to miss a properly functional air conditioner in your home. A ducted air conditioner, for instance, can play a huge role in ensuring that your room temperature is brought to manageable limits. Unlike most ACs, the ducted type takes time before cooling your home especially if you haven't been home in a long time. This is because it doesn't give instant cold or heat. Read More 

Understanding Reverse Cycle Heating and Cooling Services

A reverse cycle heating and cooling system is an air conditioning unit that can both cool and warm the air of a particular room in your house or workplace. This means that during the winter, you can enjoy the comfort of a warmer room and during the summer a cooler room. Components of a Reverse Cycle Heating and Cooling Air Conditioner To understand how this piece of equipment works, you need to know the various components it houses and what they do. Read More 

Three Factors to Consider Before an Air Conditioning Installation in Your New Home

Once regarded as a luxury, air conditioning installation has become a standard feature of modern buildings. If you're in the market for an air conditioning system for your new home build, there are several things to consider in determining the right unit for your needs. Take a look at some key factors that require careful consideration before an air conditioning installation in your new abode. AC Equipment Size Before you have an air conditioner installed in your home, you need to determine the proper size of equipment for your needs. Read More 

Top Guidelines for Installing Split System Air Conditioner

Most homeowners do not know that installation of a split system air conditioner determines its performance. Therefore, simple installation mistakes should be avoided entirely for optimal performance of an AC unit. However, how do you avoid common errors if you have never dealt with a split system AC before? This article highlights key guidelines for the successful installation of a split system AC unit. Determine Wall Strength A split system air conditioner consists of an external unit and an internal component. Read More 

3 Ways to Maximise the Efficiency of Your Ductless Split System During the Winter

Are you buying a new ductless split system for your home? If so, it's crucial to invest in a system that will ensure indoor comfort during the cold winter months, especially if you rely on the unit for your heating and cooling needs. When it's cold, the low temperatures can undermine the ability of the unit to provide adequate heat. Luckily, you can take the following measures to maximise efficiency and promote indoor comfort. Read More