What Do Consumers Need to Know about HVAC Boiler System Maintenance?

If you're a homeowner with a boiler system, you know how important it is to keep your system in good shape—not only for energy efficiency but also for safety. But do the maintenance requirements vary according to the different types of HVAC boilers, and what do you need to bear in mind if you want to avoid any problems? Types of HVAC Boilers There are many different types of HVAC boilers, with the most common being hot water and steam-driven. Read More 

How to Get the Most Out of Your Variable-Speed Air Conditioning System

Variable-speed air conditioners have a compressor that runs at virtually any speed. This compressor is an upgrade of the conventional two-speed compressor that operates at only two speeds. Variable-speed compressors adjust the airflow to meet the dynamic cooling needs of the home. They provide even temperatures and lower humidity to improve indoor comfort. However, the efficiency of a variable-speed air conditioner depends on various issues. Therefore, read on to find out how to get the most out of a variable-speed AC. Read More 

Split Systems For Commercial Buildings: Are Inverter Systems Worth It?

Split system air conditioning is a reliable, cost-effective cooling solution for commercial buildings, and one that has numerous advantages over ducted air conditioning and evaporative coolers. However, some split systems are more suitable for commercial buildings than others, so choosing the right model for your business's needs is essential. If you are looking for a new split system to service your office, storefront or commercial space, you may have heard of inverter split systems. Read More 

Ready For Winter? 3 Repairs Your Heater Needs

When winter arrives in a few weeks, you need to know that your heater is ready for action. If you're like most homeowners, you've probably had your heater under wraps for the past few months. Unfortunately, that could mean that your heater has some issues that will need to be addressed before winter arrives. One of the easiest to make sure that your heater is ready for winter is to take care of the repairs before winter arrives. Read More 

Three Split AC Installation Mistakes That Can Compromise the Unit’s Efficiency

One advantage split air conditioners have over ducted systems is the ease of installation. A split unit has two components: the indoor air handler and the outdoor unit. The installation process is fairly easy and fast due to the absence of ductwork. However, failure to adhere to proper installation procedures can undermine efficiency. Therefore, watch out for these three installation mistakes when setting up your new split AC unit. Wide spacing between units Read More