Three Warning Signs You Are Having Problems With Your Home Heating System

If you rely on a home heating system to stay warm in chilly weather, the last thing you'd want to happen is the heating unit breaking down when it's in use.  While most heating systems are designed to provide reliable performance when properly maintained, none is immune to breakdowns. The best way to avoid major problems is to watch out for early indications of trouble with your heating equipment. Here are a few warning signs indicating that your system isn't working at its best and may be in need of heating system repair. Read More 

Benefits Of Multi-Zone Split-System Air Conditioning

A comfortably cool home is essential for everyone's sense of well-being and happiness. Even in extreme heat, people can relax at home or productively work in an office or study if the building has air conditioning. Multi-zone split-system air conditioning that consists of one outdoor unit connected to multiple inside ones offers several advantages, which you can discover below.  Caters To Different Preferences On the same day, some might dress in t-shirts while others might wear jumpers. Read More 

Could an Underfloor HVAC System Work for You?

During a major renovation project, designers and architects may tend to focus on the interior space and how they can reconfigure the boundaries of a particular room or reposition appliances in an attempt to make the space more practical. Yet they may not pay too much attention to the air conditioning and how they could revolutionise the space by employing a different approach. If you are about to commission some contractors to help you renovate your property, how can you make the end result much more palatable by rerouting your HVAC system through the floor rather than the ceiling? Read More 

Why Split System Air Conditioners Are Perfect For Your Family Room This Winter

Air conditioners are an essential part of home and work-life in Australia, with many systems pumping out precious cold air from morning to night in the peak of summer. However, what many people underrate is just how cold many parts of Australia can get during the winter. Most people focus solely on choosing an air conditioner that is best at cooling the whole house during summer and completely ignore how well it can heat a room in winter. Read More 

3 Reasons to Book an Air Conditioning Survey Before Installing a New System

It isn't always easy to choose a new air conditioning system. If you think you want to try out a different system to your current one or have never used air conditioning in your home before, then it makes sense to call an installation company and ask for their advice before they give you a quote. How does this kind of survey help? 1. Find the Right System for Your Home Read More